We welcome two new postdocs Bhavana Muralidharan and Magda Atilano into our lab.
Our PhD student Rubika presented at the Fifth Annual Postgraduate Research Symposium hosted by the UCL Faculty of Brain Sciences and was awarded the first prize for the 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) competition. She will now go forwards to represent the Faculty of Brain Sciences at the UCL 3MT competition.
Our latest paper on FTD caused by CHMP2B and the role of microglia has just come out in Human Molecular Genetics. Early microgliosis precedes neuronal loss and behavioural impairment in mice with a frontotemporal dementia-causing CHMP2B mutation. Clayton EL et al. Frontotemporal dementia (FTD)-causing mutations in the CHMP2B gene lead…
Adrian gave a talk on Jan 17th at the MRC Harwell Institute, Mammalian Genetics Unit, about our work on C9orf72 FTD and ALS
Jack will be spending the spring of 2017 studying in the lab of Jonathan Pritchard at Stanford University, California.
Jack Humphrey, our PhD student in Bioinformatics attended the Splicing UK conference in the Lake District on Friday 27th of January. He gave a short talk on his recent project entitled “Hidden Treasures: hunting for cryptic splicing in models of TDP-43 depletion” which was well-received.
We are very excited that UCL will be the hub for this major new initiative. The new institute (DRI) will be headed by Prof Bart De Strooper. The main focus of the DRI will be to speed translation of basic dementia research to the clinic. Read more about it here.
Adrian gave a talk at the 4th RNA Metabolism in Neurological Disease Meeting in San Diego 10-11 November 2016
Good luck to our postdoc Sarah Mizielinska who recently left to start her own lab at King’s College London!